Professional Pharmacy Long Term Care Services
Professional Pharmacy is pleased to offer pharmacy services to long term care facilities in the Baltimore area. Our pharmacy staff aims to maintain exceptional customer service while providing solutions to your pharmacy needs. We understand the difficulties that are associated with providing outstanding care to your residents, and we as a pharmacy are happy to serve as a resource to help you achieve that goal!
Prescription Services
- Compliance packaging:
- Multi-dose blister packs
- Single-dose blister packs
- Medication Administration Records (MARs)
- Physician Medication Order Forms (PMOFs)
- Extended service hours
- Free delivery
- Vaccination clinics
- Medication profile reviews
- Fax and service line
- HIPAA secured messaging
Patient Services
- Most prescription plans accepted
- A/R and house account billing available
- Compounded medications for patient specific needs
Pharmacist Services
- Medication administration training
- 6-month chart reviews
- Pharmacist consultations
- Drug interaction reviews
- Drug updates & information
Prescription Services:
- Change extended service hours to 24 hour emergency line
- Add eMAR (Electronic Medication Administration Records)
- Add Durable Medical Equipment
- Add Medication Carts available for LTC facilities with 10 or more occupied beds